
  • Robyn Harrison

    Robyn transplanted to New Mexico a dozen years ago and loves showing her adopted state to others. She has written extensively for New Mexico Magazine and her small-town newspaper, and works in the tourism industry as a festival coordinator. Though she roams the world seeking adventure, she’s always happy to return to her desert home…

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  • Regina Winkle Bryan

    Regina W.B. lives and plays in la bonita Barcelona, Spain. She has written extensively on Barcelona and is here to share inside tips on what’s new, worth it and happening in her adopted city.

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  • Andrea Kennedy

    Andy has lived in Steamboat Springs since 1998. She has been a Straight Talk Report writer for Steamboat since 2001, and knows the ski area well. Andy also contributes to several travel magazines, and has co-authored 2 guidebooks with her husband Craig. The Kennedys also run a travel consulting business for people with disabilities.

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  • Alina Bradford

    Alina Bradford has been a travel writer for more than ten years. She has been published in dozens of print publications and ezines.

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  • Gaston Lacombe

    Gaston Lacombe is a freelance journalist and photographer based in Washington, D.C. He is the North American correspondent for a European travel magazine and has spent time in more than 40 countries in the last 20 years. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in History from the University of Ottawa and studied at the Ph.D.…

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  • Thomas Kamrath

    Thomas Kamrath has visited 30 countries and territories with his eyes set on 100. He has photographed and written island articles about New Zealand and the Galapagos Islands. His multiple visits to Easter Island have moved him from tourist to guide level.

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  • Angela Cockburn

    Angela Cockburn is a busy professional actor/writer who loves to travel. She has visited 26 countries at last count, but there may be one or two she’s forgotten! English by birth, Angela now lives in Australia and loves its proximity to the exotic East. This lady just won’t stop exploring, so more tours are coming…

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  • Kathryn Brockman

    Kathryn Brockman is a multi-lingual travel writer and overseas military brat who has traveled through sixty-two countries and lived in seven of them. A contributing historical book author, she has an insatiable curiosity for what lies around the corner or over the horizon: sometimes this gets her into hot water! Kathryn currently lives in Southern…

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  • Rachel Frier

    A world traveler from an early age, Rachel has published two books and numerous articles, and has delivered lectures on medieval literature and history. Rachel works as a freelance writer and also teaches university courses.

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  • Barbara Rockwell

    Barbara Rockwell is a San Francisco-based writer specializing in travel and the arts. A native of the SF Bay Area, she has written for guidebooks including “Step by Step San Francisco” and “Smart Guide San Francisco,” and regularly contributes to a variety of destination-based websites.

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